Connect Evaluation Connect Evaluation Where do you reside? City of Grande Prairie County of Grande Prairie Other If other, please specify:What is your age range: 0-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Q1: I learned about stressors, declining mental well-being, and risk of suicide? Yes No Unsure Q2: I learned what to say to someone who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being Yes No Unsure Q3: I learned how to get help for myself and/or others Yes No Unsure Q4: As a result of this presentation, I am more likely to approach someone who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being Yes No Unsure Q5: As a result of this presentation, I am more likely to seek help for myself if I notice a decline in my own mental well-being Yes No Unsure Q6: As a result of this presentation, I have a greater understanding of the impact of mental health in my community. Yes No Unsure Q7: The facilitator(s) encouraged questions and participation. Yes No Unsure Q8: The material was presented clearly. Yes No Unsure What did you like best about this training?Additional Information you would like us to know: